For your tomorrow we gave our today

The bright low warm November sun made all on our side of the village war memorial shade our eyes as if in salute. In fact, that is exactly what we were doing as we joined hundreds of fellow villagers to pay our respects to those who had made the ultimate sacrifice in wars.

Despite being part of an increasingly ageing U.K. population today’s ceremony saw almost as many young taking part in the parade. Cadets from the three services, Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Beavers and Brownies were all out in force, supporting the small contingent of British Legion who lead the parade accompanied by drummer, trumpeter and the vicar who conducted the service.

The sound of the two minute silence was simply profound … and so important that these commemorations continue.

Much to the dismay of my parent’s wartime generation when I was the age of the cadets on parade here today we grew our hair long, wore white poppies on repurposed military greatcoats and listened “to that beastly pop music”!!

The times … they are indeed still a changing.

I have great faith in the youth on parade today. Generation Alpha will make our future work, if anyone can.

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