
By Sonset25


Woke to fog this morning.  I love fog. Took Kyro for a morning walk at about 7.30.   All  fine until a short distance  from home, no squirrel or cat encounters, no lead-pulling.  

On opposite side of road see Winston, black labrador and owner.  Winston and owner have history with many dog walkers.  Winston always charges up to other dogs and will not leave them alone.  And no matter how many times we point out our dogs have had enough, he still tells us Winston is friendly.  Over-friendly more like.  It's a running joke among dog walkers that Winston bothers dogs but his owner states to everyone his 'dog is friendly'.

Today, as usual, near a road Winston is off lead.  He clocks Kyro, dashes across the road as simultaneously owner screams Winston and a car rounding the corner stops millimetres from Winston dashing towards us.  Frightening!   I quickly explain I have a new boy I don't want bothered as I'm unsure how he'll respond.  I say repeatedly about W - he needs to be on a lead. Owner responded it's safe.   I head off saying- Is it safe to have your dog run in front of a car? - and repeat put your dog on a lead.

We walk on.  Poor Kyro is stressed and is sick a couple of minutes later.  So unnecessary and a man could have lost his dog.

Head into town later.  Lovely foggy river.  Many stops in town.  

Afternoon walk calm with no incidents. 

Now relaxing with a hound snuggled up.

Exhausted today, another early night.
Pleasant evening everyone.

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