Relatively quiet

It's been a lazy Sunday.

One dog walk today.  A squirrel episode which unsettled a young girl walking her 7month old whippet.  Luckily her dog wasn't bothered by either the squirrel or Kyro's screams of frustration at not getting it.  But I did feel an explanation was required.  

I tried spraying puffs of water to deter Kyro but they had little effect on his high-adrenaline state and stopping his rearing up and pulling which I feel is risky.  Risky that he might pull me over and get free onto the road, get hurt himself or worse.

I remembered I have a corrector spray at home.  I've only ever used it once when another dog was pestering mine.  To the unitiated it's an aerosol that blasts out air making a noise  it's not painful and has no chemicals.  It's used in training and hopefully it might just distract his attention enough to stop him rearing up and give me the opportunity to move him away.  

When we arrive home after these episodes he's exhausted.  Not the only one!

To put things in perspective in the house he's so good.  And that's a HUGE positive.  

Stick man spotted on our walk.

Pleasant evening everyone. 

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