Curiouser and curiouser.

By karrieb85

Why have cake when you can have ice cream?

28. How did I get to be 28?!

I always know when its my birthday these days. The 'Happy Star Wars Day' thing has really taken off in recent years and I get greeted by the theme tune being played on the radio in the morning now. May the 4th be with you...

K., and I went to the St Mary's market for pulled pork rolls, and I was going to have a birthday Friand but they didn't have a Chocolate & Chilli one and as we were going to K's folks for his little brother's birthday (my birthday twin) to have cake, I showed great will power and didn't buy any cake!

I did however, decide to have some yummy Ben & Jerry's prior to starting to get ready for my birthday drinks down in Leith...

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