Lemonade stand.

Parents of wildlings might be like me and dread the days where its dress up at school or something creative.  I'm useless at homemade costumes.  Ha. Anyway the school theme for comic relief this year is ' come dressed up as what you want to be when you're older '. Well Xander chose scientist.  So I ordered him a costume.  And Lincoln..   Well he wants to make lemonade and sell it. I had to laugh at that ( not around him though,  he is very sensitive to jokes and negativity). And I wondered how the heck I was going to make him a lemonade stand. Here is the end result.  We'll it needs adjusted but as you can see from his face he is extremely happy with it. And that's made me happy.  I spent most of the morning doing it. 

Harp got on well at nursery.  The jedi did some painting and we played with the trains together.  
I wish I could upload a video to blip. It completely melted my heart ❤️ 

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