
It's been a mixed bag kind of day today.  The jedi had me up at 4 and he wouldn't settle back over. Thankfully he didn't wake the others . 
When the big ones were out the door I took Carson to dalscone.  I arranged to meet a friend for coffee who I hadn't seen in ages. She has a grown up son , but dalscone is a good place for a cuppa because the jedi could run around.  Just before we left the jedi fell and wouldn't put any weight on his leg. It's only been in the last hour where he has started to walk. He had a wee limp but I don't think he needs a+e . Thank goodness.  

Xander is all excited because his scientist costume has just arrived for Friday dress up at school.  

Harp and Lincoln have had a good day. They're both a little tired now though.  So dinner, bath and bed. 

I uploaded the video of the jedi to the blip Facebook if anyone wants to see it. X 

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