
Well not really but it sort of reminded me of one.  Not sure that Odo would be quite so enthusiastic about chasing a real ghost (whatever that would be) around the hall. 

It has rained a lot today. 

I've been listening to the latest edition of the Grenfell Inquiry podcast this evening.  It's been on hiatus as the last bit of the inquiry has been focusing on autopsy evidence and they quite rightly chose not to cover this.  Hearing summaries of the closing statements from many of the organisations involved in the refurbishment and being reminded of everything that went wrong across government at all levels and industry has appalled me once again.  If you haven't seen Richard Millett's diagram of blame (the bbc have a copy here) then it's worth a look to just see how much buck-passing went on between the participants.  Particularly the private companies who seemed to deliberatley mislead people in the name of profit. The findings won't be published for another year, I'm hoping that the bereaved, survivors and residents feel like it gives them the justice they deserve.  

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