Running Bear

Pantomime rehearsal this evening, and things were making even less sense than usual, as I walked in to see a bear prancing around the dungeon set. I don’t recall there being a bear in that scene, hence my confusion. Then it transpired this was just a demonstration of a costume for a character that appears in an earlier (forest) scene. All is explained, costume is taken off and we can crack on with the final scene. Which had been rewritten since my last blip about Panto. Lots of extra lines for everybody - except me, thankfully!
A weird sort of day today. A very early start because Mrs C had an eight o’clock doctors appointment, followed by breakfast in town (might as well take advantage of being up and about at that ungodly hour) and the weekly shop. Then it was several hours of relative idleness until we both went out for our evening activities!
Maybe try and spread the fun(?) a bit more evenly throughout the day tomorrow?

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