A hard morning with the head of Social Services for Ibiza and his second in command...it feels like we're banging our heads against a brick wall. They've just this week opened a new homeless centre on the outskirts of town and are under the impression it will now sort all the issues and meet all the needs. There seems to be no recognition that collaboration and different projects working together might be good, or that there will be those who fall through the gaps of this new project... So unless we go work for them (for free) out of their centre outside town and channel our resources through them, it looks like they'll continue to block us. It's so hard to know what to do, or if this is the end of the road and we just keep working the way we always have, which feels unsustainable. It's frustrating because those working on the ground with our homeless friends are all backing us and feel there's a need and a niche for what we do.
Tonight we had community dinner and discussion. We're listening to these podcasts on Sabbath at the moment...EB is me relistening and making a few notes. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Getting to the ES guys late and lovely Terry sneaking me some packets of fish he'd bought for me as he knows I like them.
2) Our very full afternoon evening being stripped back to just community dinner as Danny's student had to suddenly fly to the mainland and Sa Penya was cancelled due to the rain.
3) Great discussion with Danny and Stephen. 

Today's joy theme is 'hard eucharisteo' meaning thanksgiving for the hard stuff in life;
1) That although it's being used as an excuse to stop us, there is this new centre by the town hall that will help people.
2) That even though we feel worn down and tired, there is purpose in us living here.
3) That even though it feels hard to hear what the way forward should be, it will all be revealed in time.

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