Sad look

A busy productive day around the house . It's been pouring down here again so I've not ventured out with the jedi.  I know he looks quite sad in this photo but I really like it. He was playing around in my room while I was changing the beds and he got a fright from Peppa pig on tv.  The fire alarm went off on the show and he came and cowered between my legs. Once he was settled he sat down at my wardrobe doors and sheltered himself.  I snapped this photo.  

The three bigger wildlings had a good day. The boys had badminton at school and loved it. Harp played with her wee friend Alexander.  I've added extras of them  as they were chilling out on tech. 

I see my surgeon tomorrow.  I have more forward movement and side movement.  But I can feel a click and it feels like it pinches on a nerve. I'm hoping he gives me the go ahead to start some exercise with resistance band's,  obviously starting of very light. I'll keep you all posted.

Thanks for looking at my jedi on the blip Facebook page. As you can hear he is developing a wee American accent.  He tells me to pull his pants on ( jeans ) 

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