River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Onion Sets & Planting Cells

Wet day, very drizzly and chilly - I had an appointment this afternoon which was cancelled, I was very glad …
Today’s Blip is of the things I bought on my little Stermat shopping trip on Tuesday - I haven’t grown onions from sets for many years, these were a bargain. I’ll start the onions off in cells in the greenhouse, I think they ones I’ve bought are deep enough and will be reused until they fall apart.
Between showers, I went to the greenhouse and finished planting a tray of lettuce seedlings. Also, cleared the leaves behind the garage - forecast for very heavy rain this afternoon and overnight :-( 
The Robin was eager to “help” with the leaf clearing and found lots of tasty morsels!
Fish & Chips for tea, which were delicious and eaten whilst we watched an episode of “Spooks” on iPlayer.
Raining and chilly this evening - we’ve had the heating on for a few hours and are warm and cozy xxxx xxx xx
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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