Action Time Vision


Feel Every Beat

When you hold a fantastic piece of artwork like this you could be left in no doubt that mp3s are the devil's spawn.

Soul-less individual computer husks, stripped from complete works of art for the convenience of fair weather fans who can pick "the hits" leaving behind material which charts the artists journey and for which the artist will no longer receive royalties.

The artwork reflects the emotion, the politics, the thought process and occasionally, as in Mr Scruff's's case, the humour related to the finished work.

The artist wants you to know who wrote the words, who composed the music, performed the work, who designed the packaging, his friends and fellow artists who supported him and contributed to his art.

As I tuned in I didn't rush through Marks & Spencers, stare silently out the bus window or select the best baked potatoes for tea.

I sat and held this wonderful packaging in my hands, ran my fingers over the raised text and the recycled card and read every minute detail that Mr. Scruff wanted me to know.

Tuna in, drop out.

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