Out the Rain

Begob, a hard work party over at the yard. The wind and rain whistled in across the yard as we disassembled the mooring buoys, junks and chains and set about replacing the lengths of chain. We split into pairs, and I happily found myself working away with Coxy as no one calls him. PL wisely made himself indispensable splicing soft eyes for the buoys in the cosy new harbour team container.
Home by 2pm, cream crackered. But not so done in that I didn’t enjoy the visit of the daughter and Rosie. The wee thing bounded in shouting that they’d got ice cream (they’d been to the supermarket) and I swept her up into my arms. No nappy! A proper wee girl now. 
And later, a film, Argentina 1985 based on the “Trial of the Juntas” - really excellent stuff - you’ve got to take your hat off (OK, I generally don’t wear one, not having a hat face) to people whose fight for justice entails a bit more than a mouthy tweet and can end up with a bomb under their car. 

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