Lobster lollop

Sorry such a bad photo. Doing a full days work and trying to make a presence for the lobster hatchery at the lobster lollop (which is raising money for the hatchery). Hope these ladies won the best fancy dress;-)
Because the race took place on the camel trail the races took part at 8am and 4pm, so as not to disrupt the general public using the trail during the day. The weather was cold and dry with very low sun.
I was going to race but didn't feel up to it so I managed to swap my number and my friend ran with Dina in the 5k canicross event after work.
I knew as soon as Dina was in harness she wouldn't care who she was pulling, and sure enough she ran right pass me without acknowledging me as she was in her racing zone.
So please to see them both coming in and claiming 1st lady in the canicross event

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