
By KateBushIsCool

Covent Garden

I normally don't leave the office at lunchtime. I start at 9am and finish at 5pm and I eat lunch at my desk while I work. It's a shame really because I work in Covent Garden and it's so lovely and buzzy in the sunshine. I only stay at work all day because I have to leave at 5pm in order to pick up George at 6pm so I feel guilty for having to leave on time. Everyone else in my team works stupidly long hours and I just can't do that any more (not that I should).

Anyway, today I had to run an errand so I escaped into the Covent Garden back streets. I'm still finding my way around London and places that I used to think were miles apart are actually right next door to one another. If I could get a job where I got a proper lunch hour, that would be pretty sweet. And a job I actually liked. That would be good too. Oh, and this woman just got in shot when I took the picture. I feel I should mention her because she is so dominant in the photo.

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