Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The whole of creation

projected on to the ancient stonework of the Tower of London. The irony of presenting nature in its glory whilst the world signs its own death warrant at the failed COP27 summit was not lost on me.

I met up with Big Bro to watch this - he was down from Yorkshire for work for two nights and had been at a meeting at the V&A all day. It was quite a good show but terribly badly signposted and organised, so the stewards were getting grumpy and the crowds were confused. Visually attractive I thought the music let it down; a grand spectacle needs grand sounds.

Afterwards we walked down to a pub in The Cut (where he was meeting someone later) and talked about life, the universe and what to do about painful feet. We do have nearly 140 years of legwork between us so it was a reasonable topic of conversation. In the pub (or rather outside it) we watched a short film he had produced called Broken Biscuits which is very sweet and very "Yorkshire" in every sense. 

I was a bit tired by the time I got home at 8.15 because we had cleaned the whole house during the day. But we had arranged for friends to come down from north London and up from Brighton so I called on my auxiliary power (as they say in Star Trek) and we had a rather lovely evening. For Covid related reasons for one member of the party we had to stay in the conservatory with the back doors open on to the garden, so we had a full deployment of coats, hats and blankets whilst we ate takeaway curry.

Got to bed well before midnight and went out like a light I was that tired. Had some visually startling dreams about being in a Jurassic swamp with some small but very ferocious looking dinosaurs. No idea where that came from. 

Good day. Little extra of Tower Bridge which I passed on the way up.

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