Place: St Pete Beach, FL 54/60
Main activity: Sun - moving, dreary rain
Notes: Woke around 3a again and couldn't go back to sleep - this is getting quite old. Did some early cookbook page editing (almost done w/ this project), packed more. Headed to Vina a bit after 9a, took some stuff to Bette's and talked to her and then over to feed 4 dogs - they ate everything which is unusual since I haven't fed them in a long time. Switched cars then and took Bette's to Publix, got few things for her and dry & wet dog food for Joe. Rain came in around noon, headed back over 1240p-ish. Dropped dog food at Joe's and more freezer stuff and took Bette's things and switched cars back. Chilly rain all afternoon (lovely - had heat on!). Did little bits more here and there until by evening, everything done I could do until the final load-out. Tired but didn't try to nap, talked to Joe mid-afternoon on his way back from Rainbow River dive that ran way over. Quiet early night ... now last night in this place - going to miss my space for sure! Will go directly to staying with 4 dogs for first couple days. Last publish from the Isla condo.

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