I just photographed it, I swear...

...I didn't pick a one. Really!

Trillium is an endangered wildflower, and here in Michigan (other areas as well) it is illegal to pick them. As I child, I didn't know this law and picked some for a May Day basket. However, if the authorities come knocking at my door... I'll steadfastly deny it.

It's a feel-good moment when you spot the trillium in bloom, for it's a sure sign that spring is in full swing! Around here the woods have areas that are carpeted with the small (approximately 3 inch) blooms. I tried to get a shot of the masses, but this one called out to me, so it's the winner for today. Press HERE to sniff the flower.

Odd fact: Trillium is one of many plants whose seeds are spread by ants and mice. Trillium seeds have a fleshy organ called an elaiosome that attracts ants. The ants take the seeds to their nest, where they eat the elaiosomes and put the seeds in their garbage, where they can be protected until they germinate. They also get the added bonus of growing in a medium made richer by the ant garbage.

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