A neighbour’s cats

They are quite elderly, about 18 I think, and Siamese. She says they always sleep cuddled up like this. I thought they look adorable. Such brotherly harmony.
I got some gardening done today, while the sun was out, and fairly warm. Mainly weeding, and planting some bulbs - better late than never. And I batch cooked a kind of bean bake with black-eye peas.  Continuing my project to make tasty things with less expensive ingredients. While I cooked I listened online to my son DJ-ing - he played all reggae and ska today, and it was lovely. A bit of kitchen dancing took place:)
Sometimes the price increases are such a shock. I bought a pint of cows milk to make tea for the roofers, as I don’t think my usual oatly is so nice in tea.  Last time I bought it, 45p, now 95p. That’s not 10% inflation it’s over 100% :-(

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