
Many, many years ago, in the early nineties, I had a contract in Harrogate. It was my first freelance job, in fact. The office was some way out of town, far away from any shops or places of interest, so I started a squash ladder, and ended up playing every lunchtime.

Over the course of the eighteen months that I worked there, I actually became a pretty good player, and one of the chaps I worked with, Steve, who was a county level player, kindly gave me a bit of coaching along the way.

One of the first things he told me was to hold my racquet with my wrist 'cocked' such that it was at right angles to my forearm. Immediately, I lost the facility to play most of my shots. In fact, I reckon it took me two or three (very frustrating) weeks to get back to where I had been in terms of ability, but then I really started to improve.

Something similar has happened recently with my rhythm guitar playing. I've long been able to pick up and play along with a rhythm, but now Paolo has told me to play sixteenths, only pressing down the strings with my left hand when I want the chord to sound.

And suddenly I've lost the ability to play rhythm guitar!

But I did my practise this afternoon nonetheless before I drove up to Keswick in order to meet up with my walking chums, Chris and Steve. The weather was so awful today that the walk was cancelled, but that didn't stop us meeting up for a few drinks and an excellent meal at The Fellpack. Would deffo recommend!

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