Tidying the garage

I spent most of the day tidying up the garage, which had become overrun with stuff that had been dumped there because there was room. However, Paul’s car has developed a leak so we decided to try and make space for it so that it could be protected from the worst of the wet weather.

So I booked a slot at the local dump for tomorrow and then filled the car with all the stuff that was no longer needed, and then rearranged what was left, so I hope a car can now fit down the middle and the driver can get out - we’ll see tomorrow when Paul tries! The photo was taken halfway through - this is not the finished look! And the extra - an old pair of runner gloves that are crumbling into dust.

There’s still more that I need to get rid of (Ikea wardrobe, anyone?) but that will have to wait. It was just good to sort out all the mess that has been building up for a good few years.

Takeaway curry for tea and Blackpool Strictly to watch - a good evening!

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