First frost....

A chilly start,the first taste of winter,but dry all day for a change.
The department inspector arrive at 9.30 to start counting every sheep on the place. I left wee brother and the 2 herds to get on with it. By tonight they had been round the whole place and counted 3000 odd woolybacks.
Will know the correct total once everything is worked out and added up. Fingers crossed any errors are below the allowable percentage of error or they will start docking our vital subsidy payments.
I spent the morning hauling the rest of the heifers home from next door. That's 90 done since Friday . Went to muck out the trailer and chuck some buckets of water out a trough to slunge it out before I power washed it ,as will need to haul blackie Hoggs down the road to their winter grazing next . The grass field I was in was about ruined since I was last in. The f.... Badgers have been running amoc digging up the turf every where. This is just one of dozens of holes,with my size ten wellie to give some scale of the damage. I wish farmers were as protected as these black and white vermin !

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