It was going so well

We both slept ok but though we don’t feel ill, we feel so tired. I had to tell #2 daughter we wouldn’t be up to having the boys for the weekend - we’d been booked for that for months as Phil was 40 on Monday. At least they’d not booked a hotel anywhere - they were just going to have a bit of time together and a meal - but it’s disappointing for them. And the boys and us. I can’t even be bothered to cook for Mr C and me, never mind look after active boys.

I started the Gozo book as I want to give it to Jenny for Christmas but gave up to have a lie down. Honestly, so feeble. I’m reading but can’t be bothered with TV.

I certainly can’t be bothered to knit or even to sort out the colour mess. Foolishly I changed the pattern colours, with the help of the woman in the Lerwick shop, but now I see she’d not allowed for the yellows to have enough contrast when they are together. I’ll have to rip it out and decide which colour to use instead. The green-gold would be nice if there’s enough.

Anyway, thank you for your kind thoughts. I know we have to be patient! Actually it gives me the opportunity to read anytime I want. Usually I feel I should be doing something useful. Protestant work ethic or what.

Disappointed with the Supreme Court ruling. Scotland not even allowed to call a referendum without the permission of UK government. We live in the middle ages, what with having a King and unelected House of Lords.

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