A harrowing read

A friend sent me Plot 29 for my birthday so I started it yesterday and kept reading till I finished at 1am. (I did have a nap in the afternoon). She’s a keen gardener which I’m not, but I thought it would be a nice read for a poorly person. Oh no. It started off about the year in his allotment but then his memoir took over. I’m traumatised by it. And angry. The cruelty and hurt some children have to endure. And the horror of the “charity” Barnardos. I remember putting money in little envelopes of those homes when I was a child. Although he’s the editor of the Observer magazine he’s so damaged.
Anyway it’s a good book but don’t take it on unless you feel strong. Of course once started I had to finish, then couldn’t sleep. The antidote is the Robert MacFarlane.

Thank you for your kind wishes. Mr C slept most of yesterday and all night. This morning he was up to phoning to see what going on about our ceilings getting replaced. They said the damp checks hadn’t been done. (They were done 3 weeks ago but apparently Gary has not completed his report.). I’d hoped for some action by Christmas. Gary won’t be around this week for the office to ask for the report. It’s pathetic and very frustrating.

Mr C has also made a GP appointment (earliest is in a couple of weeks) as the GP sitting behind us on the bus in Mexico told me he had lesions on the back of his head which should get looked at. I didn’t tell him till we got home.

London friend had inconclusive scan on ovaries so is now waiting for a biopsy. Val is having bowel tests. My cousin is now registered blind with macular degeneration. I’m so sad for him after all he’s been through. He’s an alcoholic and when told he had to give up smoking and drinking or he’d die he said he couldn’t give up both. Which was most urgent? The drink. So he went on a bender and then has never had a drop since, 6 years or more now. Pure will power. No AA or other help. Gosh growing old is not for the faint hearted as someone famous said.

I’m feeling wabbit.

Oh 4 others on the trip tested positive yesterday. 2 negative plus the guide which is a relief. The others have not said. The one who started with the cold said hers was only a faint line so not conclusive! Probably only faint because she’s almost over it now the cynical me thinks. I’m sceptical about her actually doing a test there. And she’s a pathologist.

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