Today’s highlight was a Zoom drawing session with the excellent Ricefield Arts. I did quite a number of these in the depths of lockdown. The session today was woodpeckers which was irresistible. Around 120 of us joined from across the world, it seems woodpeckers of one type or another exist pretty much everywhere. I was reasonably pleased with my endeavour.
Otherwise an uneventful day, good yoga session this morning and catch up with folk afterwards.
And a decision to be made about whether I cancel the Ramblers walk tomorrow due to the weather forecast. I’m not and so far only one person has pulled out after my dire warnings about rain, wind, cold and the absence of any shelter on the towpath.
I have had to reschedule the Kelpies evening walk next month because of the rail strikes. Fortuitously it occurred to me that I can reposition it as a Winter Solstice adventure on 21 December.
The synchronicity refers to your brain and your pencil doing the same thing. We were given a counterintuitive way to hold the pencil, upright with your thumb on the end, which made it somewhat easier to achieve.
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