Oh Grapes!

I was really looking forward to today.... a whole day off from Mr W and Bella as they stayed with Lady Linda last night so that both Daughters could come for dinner with the babies.

I got up early, had a coffee in bed catching up on I'm a Celebrity (as I fell asleep with it on last night!) then had a shower ready for my day in my studio. Then as I went to put my knickers on, my back went!! For godsake..... well - my words were bluer than that I can tell you!!!

After about an hour of feeling totally peeeed off, I sorted myself out and decided I should perhaps just sit and make a crochet Matty Hat someone had ordered and fiddle with the bottles of glaze in the kitchen when I could. I spilt this one....a good indication of how my day was.....

My shopping came and the delivery man kindly kept the boxes up high so I could get to them without bending which was nice of him. I also had a visit from a Police Officer from the Major Crime Team so I could sign a statement I'd given a few weeks ago and a builder came to fix the back gate stay.

Really hoping this little setback is a quick one as I have so much to do still to get myself up and running and earning some money!!!!

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