Liar, liar, big fat liar

Today we had a plan.................. Ann always has a plan. Lol! The plan was................ I was going to go on a big, long walk this morning. Mmmm.......... Ann checked her weather app when we woke up (about 7.30am) and said, 'Trixie, the weather app is saying it's going to rain between 9am -12pm. We'd better go out now cos the weather is lovely. I think we're going to have to abandon our big, long walk.'

So, we went to the park, and I found a Witch's hat on a post. What the f*** am I supposed to do with a witch's hat?? I had a lovely play and then came home and gobbled up all my breakfast (which I hardly ever do) because running around in the cold had made me hungry.

I had a feeling there was someone else in our flat................ I'm not allowed in the bedrooms and the bedroom doors were closed. But then I spotted Iain coming out of his bedroom at about 10am. …......10am???? Seriously??!!........... Just as well he's not my owner because I always get up and go out for my 'first thing in the morning walk' between 7.30-8am??!! Anyway, before he even had a shower or got dressed, he sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee, so obv I 'jumped up' so that he could make a fuss of me. Ann was well jel. Obv I love my owner, but she's with me all the time so I just take her for granted. I hardly ever just sit and snuggle up with her.

By 11.30am, Iain had left to do whatever he had to do, and I got taken on another little half hour trek about and then Ann worked 1-5pm.

…...............And the weather today has been fabulous, albeit a bit cold & windy, so I could have gone on a big, long walk, after all.

Yet again our weather app has lied?!!!

Liar, liar, big fat liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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