Strange Sunset

A morning of collecting and then doing homeless washing, plus bumping into the world and his wife. Claire and I squeezed a coffee in together too. 
Asha and I are both full of cold and sore throats, plus she got knocked over in sports so has come home with an aching leg and scraped up arm. She was glad to hear there were no plans and got into her pjs at 2,30!!
I popped out to see if there would be a sunset tonight...this is what there was, quite bizarre with those rays lighting up the cloud. I got rained on, quite severely! Home for a Ukrainian lady to come collect all the thermals we bought this week - they'll be going on the next van.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) One of the homeless ladies giving me some hair cream as she'd been given 2 bottles and wanted to share with me! So generous.
2) Seeing a suuuuper happy Ricardo (one of the homeless friends) who was feeling pretty good as he'd won a Red Cross photography competition for a phone pic he took last week. He's so delighted.
3) Bumping into Sole as we each rushed to different schools for pickup. I love that woman.

Today's joy theme is 'ugly beautiful';
1) Ugly beautiful, the horror of all that's happening in Ukraine but the joy of being able to do our small bit.
2) Ugly beautiful, Jana having absolutely nothing and living on the streets, but still sharing the little she has. 
3) This one' for fave cat in Brazil, ugly she did a full circle and became beautiful ha! I think about that cat worryingly often!!

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