Fields of Gold

Well fields of yellow anyway. This is the field next to my house. I love it when it's full of Rape. The colour is so beautiful. Thankfully none of us suffer with hey fever or we would be in trouble.

Bit of a nothing day today. Just a day full of normal jobs. Did a bit of gardening.....well weeding! This garden has so many weeds. Lots of nettles to sort out. I was listening to my music on the iPad while I was outside. It got drowned out by the noise of the wind. Boy was it windy today.

Maisie and Oscar had a great time running about while I was in the garden. They have had a lovely day chasing balls, chasing each other, finding sticks, in and out of the river...well that's Maisie, Oscar hasn't tried that just yet!

Off to my boxersize class tonight and I need to work very hard. Had a few glasses of wine lately which need to be shifted!

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