
We were looking after Lucy this morning. She had a good time playing with some of Kerr's toys while he was at nursery. Mack kept smiling at her.

We then walked round to collect Kerr with the double buggy. He cycled home and was excited to have Lucy to play.

In the afternoon we hosted the Wednesday play date. Lucky for us a few couldn't make it due to holidays etc so we only had 6 adults, 6 toddlers and 5 babies to entertain! Poor Fudge looked a bit stressed by the time they all left.

Swimming lesson late afternoon to round off a busy day. Kerr did great today and at the end of the lesson he swam about 4 metres with no floats, out of his depth, head under the water. His teacher was pleased with him and rewarded him with a high five and a 'good job, wee man!' Lol.

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