
A visit from my boss this morning to fill in some paperwork. I'm officially retired. (For a few years anyway). Woohoo!

Kerr cycled home from nursery as usual and was pleased to see blossom appearing on our tree in the front garden when he got home. It only lasts about 2 weeks per year which is a shame because it looks lovely when it's out.

Mack has been waking at 5am for a feed these last few mornings. Thankfully he goes back to sleep for a few hours afterwards. I'm wondering if he's getting more hungry. Hopefully we can wait another few weeks before we start weaning him.

Kerr has been doing well without pull ups overnight for the past week or so. We are lifting him to the toilet when we go to bed, which seems to help.
As a reward, I got him a Darth Maul double ended light saber today. (Reduced to £7.99!)
He's absolutely thrilled with it, and is no longer using his wee green ballpoint pen as a light saber :-)

His Star Wars chat is never ending. He quotes lines from the films constantly. I wonder if this obsession will continue through to adulthood....

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