
Our guest house, despite the warmth of the staff, despite every amenity was rather lonesome. The days were cloudy and a darkness, a dampness, a sense of aloneness pervaded in it. I somehow voiced it to a few other colleagues of mine, most of them travelling from all over the globe. 'Bhoot Bungalow', some called it. Though it was nice.

If I look back at the last week, posting as I am on the 24th, I wonder what it is that I recall. I recall, a colleague of mine who has been very friendly and accommodating. Quite surprisingly so. A part of me finds it hard to believe. He has made it convenient for me, finding my way through the city whose roads are all a maze. But again, the adventures, the misadventures are what make travel, travel. Not had much of it yet. Have concerned myself with most things little.

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