Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Gummi Brows

Got Euan some penny sweeties today amd he discovered by himself that the gummi rings stick if he licked them. He stuck these on, then turned, looked at me, and said "look mummy, I have funny eyebrows! Take a picture!" Such a funny wee boy.

Rhona has learnt two new skills today. She has also chattered non stop all day with what sounds more like words, but with no meaning yet. Her first skill mastered was going from sitting to standing without holding onto anything. She only did it once but it is another step in the right direction. Second skill is to climb up onto the sofa using a cushion for extra height. She looked mega pleased with herself after the first time but then couldnt get down. I showed her how to go down backwards on her tummy and she now can do it safely about 70% of the time. She always looks at me, grinning, waiting for big praise when she does it right!

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