Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

mummys' little helper

Sweeping the kitchen floor. He really loves to copy mummy and daddy. As soon as we get the hoover out, he gets his one out to vacuum too, and the same with sweeping the hall and the kitchen.
We were out playing again this morning before the rain came on and when we came back in we did some colouring in and jigsaws. Euan has been a bit tired this afternoon because he was up every couple of hours calling for me. I think it is just his cold as he asked for water at 2am and probably just had a dry mouth and bunged up nose. Good preparation for when the baby arrives I suppose, although I could do with the sleep at the moment. At least he didn't get up til 8.30 this morning - I was still awake at 7.15 however!
Off to Grannys for tea so that will be good, then home to pack for going down to see Geegee in Carnoustie. Grandpa is cycling in France this week so we won't see him. We are taking the train tomorrow morning just for a different experience for Euan. Hope he sleeps for some of it, otherwise I will have a 1/2 hour bus journey into town to start with then an hour on the train. Think I will have to have lots of snacks, books and wee toys with me!

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