Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Everybody needs good neiiiighbours...

We have no dishwasher in the new flat (yes! Feel free to gasp in horror). I don't really miss it because after 15 years of living in flats with internal kitchens, we finally have a window in our kitchen so I'm happy to do the dishes - for now.

I thought my favourite thing to do whilst washing dishes would be to daydream and stare out of my lovely window whilst idly scrubbing pots, but actually, it's much more fun trying to work out what the neighbours are trying to watch on telly.

So far I've not managed to get very far with that one. The houses are quite far away so it's a proper challenge even seeing the TVs never mind what's on them. I have a feeling these people will become curtain closers in the near future. The bastards. And then what will I do whilst washing dishes, eh?

Anyway. Where was I? Oh yes. Cutlery. I am hating the washing of the cutlery. Well. The washing of it is fine - it's easy enough to add it to the pile of idly and precariously balanced crockery whilst trying to work out if the hairy face on number 34's telly means they're watching Deal or No Deal or if its a close up of Chewbacca from Star Wars (where else would 'Chewbacca ' be from Abi?!).

It's the drying of it I object to. Takes me away from the window, you see. I need to stand at the cutlery drawer and that means staring at a cupboard door. Not the same at all.

Hence the reason I have an entire drawer's worth of cutlery drying in the draining board AND why we got pizza tonight.

Anyway. There you go. That's what I'm up to. Exciting isn't it? Well, you did ask. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go and make myself a cup of tea and wash up a few cups. I might be wrong but I think 36 are about to settle down to today's 'Neighbours'.


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