Family Dog

By Family_Dog


After a fairly emotional couple of days being back at the old flat we were visited by our good pals Robbie and Tracy and their wee boy Struan. This time they were also accompanied by their 8 week old baby Innes.

It was so great to see them and get my hands on the baby!!!! Is there anything more rewarding than holding a wee baby till they fall asleep on you? Bloody love it, it's like getting your heart batteries topped up.

After we'd eaten the delicious treats they'd brought us we decided to take a walk down to the park - it has water jets in it and I had a sneaky suspicion Struan was going to love it.

They got togged up for going out - Struan in a Thor helmet, wet suit (over jogging bottoms & t-shirt) and a pair of Arlo's boots. Arlo had his swimming shorts, t-shirt, wellies and arm bands on. Wazzacks, the pair of them.

They had a riot. Struan's one of those kids who has so much fun, you have fun just watching him. He got stuck right into the jets, scooshing them up his bum and trying to stamp on them. Endless fun. They were drenched - literally - from head to toe. We all staggered up the road with them shivering and shaking to the flat to get some cosy clothes and a spot of tea.

It was the perfect distraction for me, a lovely reminder that home really and truly is where the heart is. And the heart is where our friends come to visit. <3

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