
We had a lovely morning. PY cooked us a delicious breakfast. Around lunchtime PY, Mark and I went to Godshill model village. It was a bright morning which made the village look really good. The models are superbly well made and there’s a model of the model village. Cleverly executed. 

Later we went to Cook and Baker for tea and scones. Rob, who had been working back at the lodge, joined us. As he’d come on the car and it was still a lovely afternoon we decided to grab a glass of wine at Agestone vineyard. We sat amidst the chickens and goats enjoying a glass of rose until after 4pm. 

We had planned to watch the final stage (from Ryde to The Needles) of the Tour of Britain today. It was planned to be held on the Island and come quite close to where we are staying  but the event has been cancelled following the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Our evening meal was at The Chequers Inn which was a 15 minute walk away. The route was across some fields and down a country lane. It was very pleasant on the way out. I had the carvery and it seems I was the last one to for it because they were waiting for me before packing up. The others ate from the menu and that might have been a better choice so that we could all eat together.

PY was a bit worried about the walk back along the country Lane as it was in total darkness as there were no street lights. I thought it would be perfectly safe Isle we staying to the sides and used the lights on our phones to guide the way. It was a bit unnerving for the first part but pretty straightforward once we got to the fields.

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