HE'S GREAT !!!!!!!

I went over and watched Merrick for awhile so my daughter could go run some errands. One of the errands was going to the grocery store...so she can make us supper.
Sauteed shrimp, with fried rice and vegetables.

Merrick wanted to watch Dora, the Explorer. I wanted to watch Sportscenter on ESPN. It was a good episode of Dora. The little trio saved a baby fox...plus I learned this song. When you wiggle wiggle wiggle...you will giggle giggle giggle...so...wiggle wiggle wiggle all the time. I tried it. It didn't make me giggle.

By the way...dinner was delicious. Better than delicious. Melt in the mouth M & M's delicious. I'm going to call her the Shrimp Princess. Plus...I got to take the leftovers home for lunch. Woo-hoo!

I hope most of you recognize Tony, the Tiger. He advertises for Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. I hate to admit it, but I still like to eat them once in a while. I try not to...but childhood habits die hard. "THEY'RE GREAT!!!!"

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