
By Legacy

I Love His Knees

There's a lot more to love about these gulls, but I especially love their knees. Don't know why.

Mary Jo and I spent a nice evening walking around the marina taking pictures. I didn't get anything very exciting at all, but the marina isn't going anywhere so I'll try again.

My new lens arrived today - 28-300mm, and I'm showing great restraint in not trying it out just yet. Maybe after work tomorrow.

I'm not feeling entirely perky anyway. I got some bad news about Snuffy. He had some blood work done at his annual physical which shows he has a serious thyroid problem. He's been eating everything in sight and losing weight, so we have to take some action. He'll be seeing a specialist in Seattle to determine whether radioactive treatment to shrink his thyroid is appropriate. His vet is optimistic, but whatever we do will have to be done soon before his liver and kidneys are affected. Gotta take care of my dear little Snuff.

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