
By Legacy

The Lecture

No, I didn't have any peanuts and believe me, I won't go to the marina unprepared again. I took bread for the gulls but this guy didn't appreciate that I left my pocket full of squirrel peanuts at home. He let me know exactly what he thought.

Tonight was one of those times when I came home with half a dozen possible blips. I decided this one would be the hardest to duplicate so I went with it. I got a cute one of Pippin my little black squirrel peeking over the garden gate at Lizzie who had staked out a spot near the peanut dish. There was another one at the marina of a sweet little girl with a flat tire on her bike. Her Dad was pumping it up for her and it was just a very cute moment. There were two boys in a rubber dinghy rowing between the moored boats. They looked like they were having a great time. I was delighted to see they were wearing life jackets, even in such a protected environment. Last week I saw a rowboat with three kids in it and no life jackets -- worrysome for sure.

There were no kite flyers or slackline walkers, but the gulls were there and I got one really cute picture of two of them looking at each other lovingly. Speaking of loving, nothing makes me smile more than to see couples walking along holding hands and there were several strolling along the path around the marina. It's one of those moments that makes me smile and tugs at my heart at the same time because it always reminds me of my husband who held my hand when we walked. I'll snap a picture of the couples as they walk away because I never like to be rude and do that when they're coming toward me. Sometimes it's cuter from behind anyway.

My day at work was the usual busy Friday but I ended up with a clean desk and everything under control so I was happy. The fact that Rob had a beautiful floral arrangement delivered for Mother's Day just made the day perfect.

Snuffy report: There's more urgency to his hyperthroid situation than I thought so Snuffy will probably be on his way to Seattle next week or the week after. He's off to the local vet tomorrow for more tests which are necessary before the surgery. I'm concerned about traumitizing him on an 80 mile drive to Seattle, so I'm hoping he can have a tranqualizer or something. He'll have to stay there for several days. I have more reading to do on the procedure and I"ll be studying this weekend so I can carry on an intelligent conversation with the veterinarians.

Hope all my fellow blippers have a nice weekend.

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