The Keendom

By lookeengood

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Uncle Stuart arrived late last night so the girls were excited by his arrival this morning. Although were both a little cautious as they hadn't seen him since January. Rose soon thawed out once the presents came out of his bag and she happily played her new duplo with him. Maisy is going through a clingy I love Mummy phase so she is still a little funny but happy to play with him if I am within her eye line!
I popped to tesco to buy some dinner and other bits we needed along with some new balls for maisys ball pit and came home with some new vests for Maisy and some new metal cutlery for Rose. When the lady put them through the till she laughed because a message came up to check if I was old enough to purchase them!! I'm not sure how much damage you can do with peppa pig knife, fork and spoon set.
When I got back we went to the park and Maisy enjoyed her second time on a swing much more then her first (she couldn't have been less bothered by her first go! )
When the children were in bed we settled down with a board game, which I won mainly because the boys were to busy (arguing) trying to beat each other that I snuck under the radar!

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