The Keendom

By lookeengood

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My little fashionister choose her outfit today, complete with necklace, ring, hairband and of course, no outfit is quite right without sunglasses.
Last night was the night of no sleep because Maisy is feeling the side effects of her dreaded MMR jab (they say they can get a fever a week after the jab and bang on a week ago today she had it). She had a raging temperature which kept her (and us) up for most of the night. Still, I'd rather jab sickness then the real thing.
We had a tricky start to the day when a still whimpering maisy fell asleep on me and was beside herself if I moved. I managed to get her settled in her cot for long enough to get rose and I dressed and headed out for lunch at a friends. Maisy perked up for a while until her calpol wore off. She started shivering and went all blue around the mouth yet was still eating her lunch. I gave her a cuddle and she fell asleep whilst we were sat at the table which NEVER happens.
We were picking daddy up from work today (I had a Skype appointment to talk maid of honour stuff, whoop) but I was going to pop home before we went BUT BOTH of my children were asleep before we got home so I carried straight on to Lewis's work.
Hope Maisy perks up tomorrow...

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