The Keendom

By lookeengood

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Today Maisy's first duplicate card arrived! I love getting duplicate cards, for some reason I think it's good luck!
Today was the first day I had my car back so was keen to go out somewhere. So we went to see Steve and Kims new house (which is very nice) Xavier was at school and I think Rose almost enjoyed him not being there as she played so nicely the whole time we were there. Why she can't play independently for as long when we are at home I do not know.
Maisy fell asleep in the car on the way back and Rose fell asleep on the sofa whilst I transferred Maisy from the car seat to her cot. So I got bonus quiet time which I used to eat 3 chocolate biscuits, do some ironing and get their dinner ready. I had to wake them both up in the end. Bedtime will be later tonight but after a busy busy week last week they are obviously in need of some extra rest. I know I am!

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