
By KathyH58

Dec 2

Another collage today, as I walked at Shubie Park this morning with the chickadees, blue jays and squirrels.
At one point I had at least 6 or 7 chickadees taking turns getting a seed from my hand. I really wished someone else was there with a camera to take photos. A couple of times one chickadee landed on the lens of my camera while waiting his turn to get a seed from my hand.
Then the bluejays realized that I had peanuts in my pocket, so they were watching me, and waiting for me to toss a couple on the ground. Some of the squirrels will take a peanut from your hand too. They are so used to people that they have no fear of them. 
No day trip planned for tomorrow, my brunch club is having a Christmas supper at a restaurant tomorrow evening. The Chriskindle Market is on in downtown Dartmouth tomorrow, so I think I will spend some time there in the afternoon. I may stop there on my way home from supper too. The Coca Cola Christmas truck is there, and I would like to see that lit up.

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