Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Today is our older son, Martyn's birthday - and it is our pleasure to have been his parents. He was a very contented baby, a lovely child who was very easy to bring up, and has grown into a fine young man. He is married to Dawn and they now have two children of their own. He and Dawn have gone away for the weekend to celebrate his birthday, so we are in charge of the grandchildren - or are they in charge of us?

I must try and think of some more stories to tell the grandchildren about their Dad, as they always love to hear the things he did when he was a child, especially if it involved his younger brother, who was often the culprit if anything went awry in our house - sorry Jules, but it's true!

The top photograph is when we went on our first holiday to Weymouth, when Martyn was about 3 months old and the one below is a "studio" one taken when he was just over a year old. We were very proud parents and looked so young!

I took the other photograph today after he had opened his present - a table lamp with a plane as the base - quite appropriate as he obtained his Private Pilot's Licence a few months ago.

He is kind, generous, a great husband and a wonderful father and we are really proud of him. I like to think that Mr HCB has set him a great example as a father, just as Mr HCB modelled himself on his own father.

Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.
Psalm 127:3
Contemporary English Version

Have a great weekend, fellow blippers.

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