Elm Row clock, Edinburgh

When we looked up at the sky on our way to the Holyrood Parkrun this morning, we suspected that we missed a good sunrise. Nevertheless, we were still able to appreciate the pretty light in the sky at 9:00am when we passed Elm Row - and the recently relocated clock.

We met Paddy and Caitlin for the run. While Paddy ran at his own (fast) pace, Mr hazelh and Caitlin accompanied me (slowly) along the 5k route. My time was an improvement on last time and - strangely - much faster than my average for the same distance on the much flatter 5k route that I run from the house. There is something about running with a big crowd of people... Afterwards Paddy and Caitlin came back to our flat for breakfast with Mummy hazelh (and to test the new shower). 

This afternoon I made a start on our Christmas cards. I can't remember leaving this task so late before, and I have to say that it is a relief to finally get the job underway. Meanwhile Mr hazelh undertook some DIY (shock, horror!) I may blip his work tomorrow. Mummy hazelh watched the football.

We're having a quiet evening in tonight. We need a rest after hosting our recent stream of visitors.

Exercise today: 5k run; walking (17,892 steps including run).

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