To Please Grandma

What a difference it makes to exist in a warm home.
I was forced to turn on the central heating for the arrival of the Glasgow family for lunch.  It’s one thing to sit in a cold house wearing as many warm clothes as possible but another thing to expect your guests to do the same and so on went the heating at 11am and stayed on and oh, what heaven it was to feel really warm.

We had such a good day and the afternoon passed far  too quickly. We drank, we ate we chatted and we laughed. How we laughed, at the banter and at Ewan with his unique brand of one liners and impersonations of his teachers. I was interested to learn that if you are disruptive in class, you don’t get lines or detentions , you get reflection time. It sounds like a variation of the naughty step. 

The grandchildren are such good company it was a shame to see them  depart. Since they are going south for Christmas, presents were exchanged ahead of time. Ewan has a birthday on the 23rd, so he got 2 presents. I will keep the ones to me (immaculately wrapped, I was careful to note) until the big day.

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