
By KathyH58

Dec 4

A drive around tonight to see some of the Christmas lights. I had noticed this display one day when I was driving by, and had to go back tonight to see it lit up.
An enjoyable evening out with the brunch group last night for our Christmas party. Everyone enjoyed themselves. There is still $135 left in the group bank account, we have a 50/50 draw every week and the money goes towards our Christmas party. I had chicken alfredo and a brownie tower for dessert, and brought half of each home with me. I ate the brownie tonight and will have the chicken for supper tomorrow night.
Sunshine in the forecast for the next couple of days so I will make sure to get out for a walk both days, have to take advantage of the good weather when we have it. I have merchandising jobs this week, but they can be done when it is raining on Wed and Thursday.

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