
By PatrickMackie

A beastly encounter after dark

My first full day at work since the Incident, and it went fine. Started to pass on my knowledge of a particular project to my colleague who's been appointed to lead the new team dealing with it, and there'll be more of that to come in the next few days and weeks. She's enthusiastic about taking on the new role and I'm sure she'll make a success of it.
I went out for a walk as dusk was setting in and the moon was rising. As I was coming back along Millionaires' Row, I spotted a couple of heifers out of their field; one in a garden and one on the verge. Contacted the farmer and he was over in about ten minutes to get the beasts back where they belong. I stayed to slow down oncoming cars, which worked fine except for one local ar$eh0le who shot past without slowing. It's not as if someone in hi-vis, with a bright headlamp and waving in the road in front of him is hard to spot, after all. Fortunately for chummy and the heifer, he managed not to collide with her.

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