These are one of my favourite wild and garden plants. We have three different types in our garden (all wild) and they are the main reason I haven't mowed down the wild bits of our land (ie most of it).
Lack of blipping lately is due to a very busy weekend last weekend and to having lost my computer again in the evenings when it is pretending to be a telly (either that or Mr B is live-streaming something meaning I can't use the internet for fear of stealing too much bandwidth). But I will catch up.
Today was a day with a blissful lie-in, followed by back breaking and nearly SooB breaking work. Dusty jobs generally fall to me if Mr B has a choice - since I am slightly less allergic to dust than he is. So today I tackled the top floor and cleared out all the dust, rubble, cobwebs, owl poo, dead mice and other unsavoury bits and pieces that I didn't want to look too closely at. A stint in the garden blew away some of the dust.
Garden update for future reference: elderflowers are just starting to come out, potatoes are nearly a foot high, irises nearly finished. Now it must be just about time to lie on the sofa and groan about how my tummy hurts after pigging out on curry....
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